RLDC Bus Information
Want to know how to ride the bus here? Need to know information about common routes? You've come to the right place!
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CUMTD Website
Check out the CUMTD website in order to look up bus stops, and find the next bus routes. One way rides are $1, and it's free if you board the bus while on campus. All day passes can be purchased for $2 from the bus drivers on weekends.
From Homewood Suites or the Hilton Garden Inn
Use the map to figure out stops in the trip planner and the website. The green icon is your hotel.
From Home2 Suites
Use the map to figure out stops in the trip planner and the website. The green icon is your hotel.
Stops By RLDC Buildings
Bus stops by Digital Computer Lab and Siebel:
Goodwin and Main
Goodwin at Ceramics
Goodwin at Materials Research
Bus stops by Grainger and Engineering Hall:
Wright and Springfield
Illini Union
Bus stops by David Kinley Hall:
Gregory at Library
Fourth and Gregory
Bus stops by Lincoln Hall and Noyes:
Green and Goodwin
Transit Plaza
Krannert Center
Chemical Life and Science
Armory and Wright
Wright and Chalmers